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Is Indeed Wrecking Your Recruitment Marketing Brand?

Is Indeed wrecking your recruitment marketing brand?

Indeed has built an amazing platform, quickly surpassing and almost all other job boards in the world. But what are they really doing for your brand? For both employers and candidates, the message we want to send to the world may not be what we want.

Indeed has launched the Jobspotter App, an Uber of help wanted signs. It allows people to earn “money” by posting images of businesses with help wanted signs out front. Instead of the carefully curated recruitment branding, which some of our clients pay millions a year to develop, this recruitment advertising is posted without their knowledge, and competes with the paid sponsored advertisements they run on Indeed:

Indeed’s fine print is a little disingenuous as they state:

  • This job was submitted by another user, not the employer
  • These photos represent our full knowledge of the job and its availability

Yet, this Automotive Repair Facility is running a full advertisement on Indeed so is this their “full knowledge”?

Candidates and employers also have to be aware that when people one-click apply for a job on Indeed, they may be sending an old and very basic version of their resume. Hundreds of times we have contacted candidates to ask them if they have an updated resume after receiving a resume that would have been moved to the delete bin by 99% of recruiters.

Indeed ranks as the #1 job board in the US, with about 367.7 million visits a month. In Canada ranks a little lower with 607 million visits. Arguably it can do a great job in bringing employers and candidates together but it does have issues and quality control is one of them.

Regardless of the job you are posting from an Automotive Mechanic to a branch manager you want to control your brand image and you may have to reach out to Indeed if you are a customer to ensure the right recruitment message is getting out to Candidates.


Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Vancouver Island. You are invited to subscribe to our employer newsletter or submit your resume.