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How Health & Safety Knowledge Can Strengthen Your Job Search

How health & safety knowledge can strengthen your job search

*Red Seal Recruiting is pleased to welcome Holly Shaw to share her thoughts with us as a guest author! If you are a recruiting professional and would like to submit a post on our blog, please contact

Current economic times facing young professionals and graduates make job search a significant concern. Besides having the academic qualifications and meeting all the job requirements listed by the employer, several issues are often missed during a job search, yet they count to a great extent (Jang et al. 2017). Health and safety knowledge contribute significantly to your job search. The move to equip the job seekers with appropriate skills through training, seminars, workshops, and short-term courses concerning health and safety has proved to be a practical approach towards securing a dream job.

  • Workplace health and safety training

Health and safety at the workplace guarantee that the security of both the employer and the employees are safe while in the workplace. Ideally, every workplace poses dangers to the workforce and may lead to hazardous outcomes if not well controlled. Some of the risks that every employee face in the workplace that is typically ignored may involve such issues as slipping off on a slippery floor, falling off from a weak or broken chair. These issues look simple, but they indicate how the company truly treats their workforce.

  • Benefits from health and safety knowledge to the job seeker

Knowledge about health and safety at the workplace gives the job seeker an added advantage. There are various benefits attached to a health and safety management system, such as providing the job seekers with valuable information and insight that would be crucial in keeping the workers safe and healthy at the workplace (Lay et al. 2017). The skills also guarantee a long-lasting service to potential the employer and help the employer cut on the cost of production. The employers will not incur expenses on seeking assistance from a third party; hence the job seeker stands higher chances of securing a job.

  • Health and safety knowledge benefits to the employer which benefits the future employees

Knowledge about health and safety mutually benefits both the employer and the employee. The employer seeks the services from a trained employee because it guarantees an excellent cut on insurance premiums. The employees are less likely to follow up on the employer asking for compensation over injuries (Mushayi, Deacon & Smallwood, 2017). The employers also benefit from a positive company reputation. The company that is rarely hit by accident occurrences among the working force is most likely to attract more investors and skilled job seekers. Employees that feel secure in a safe environment produce a higher quality of work, return to work more quickly after an injury or illness compared with other workers, and often feel very loyal to a company because of the good treatment they’ve received.

In short, as you search for a job, listing your qualifications as on health and safety make you a more appealing job seeker and help you stand out from the competition. Using your knowledge to the best of your abilities makes you a stronger, more reliable candidate.


Jang, Y., Lee, ., Zadrozny, M., Bae, H., Kim. T. & Marti, N. C. (2017). Determinants of job satisfaction and turnover intent in-home health workers: The role of job demands and resources. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 36(1), 56-70.

Lay, A. M., Saunders, R., Lifshen, M., Breslin, F. C., LaMontagne, A. D., Tompa, E., & Smith, P. M. (2017). The relationship between safety vulnerability,occupational health and workplace injury. Safety Science, 94, 85-93.

Mushayi, T., Deacon, C., & Smallwood, J. (2017, September). The effectiveness of safety training and health and its impact on the attitudes and perceptions of construction workers’. In International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Product Management (pp. 235-244). Springer, Cham.

Holly is part of the content team at Effective Software. Holly has worked in the health and safety industry since graduating from university. When not writing about health and safety practices, Holly can be found researching new travel locations.