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Before turning to international hiring, employers really need to be offering:

Relocation, benefits, top wages and training to help those locally and nationally who may not have all the skills, but can learn and be onboarded quickly.

 For those companies that are doing all of this but still can’t keep up with turnover and new customers, then hiring internationally trained workers can be a good solution.

Hiring internationally trained workers:

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA, formerly NAFTA) is the best source of employees for Canada and the US. It allows companies to hire professionals in over 60 professions that are critical to keeping companies growing.

Alternatively, if they can not be hired through CUSMA, there may be other routes to hire including Canada offers the Labour Market Information Assessment (LMIA) and Work Permit Process for Temporary Foreign Workers or the US offers certification through the U.S. Department of Labor with the H1B and H2B Visa Route.

For more information on Canadian and US Free Trade Agreements click here: 



Ultimately finding and selecting the right employee is a difficult task, and doing it from outside of the country can be an even bigger project. But, it’s worth it compared to outsourcing the work, constantly working overtime, or not getting it done.