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Unskilled Workers: What Does It Cost?

Unskilled Workers: What Does it Cost?

We have all worked with people who didn’t have the skills to do the job they were asked to do. In the best case, these unskilled people realized they were over their head and asked for help or training and their employers got it for them. In the worst case, unskilled workers get hurt or put others in danger. It happens every day.
The electrical sector is one of many areas of work where skilled work is very important if you want it done both safely and productively. But the costs of Electrical maintenance and construction are very high. A great article in Commerce Journal on the Ontario College of Trades Investigations dives into the safety and economic risks that some homeowners and companies take by using an unskilled worker.
One issue is that many people trust that those working for them are certified and competent; the truth is far from this as we deal with hundreds of people a year who misrepresent their skills and certification. It’s not rude or unreasonable to ask for copies of your hire’s ticket, or their references, or even just reviews. A lot of people might say that a ticket is just a piece of paper and it’s the experience that counts. Well, then you need to confirm that experience. You don’t want to have to pay again to have someone come in and fix shoddy work, which is an all too common occurrence.
When it comes to most industrial, manufacturing and construction work we have to maintain a high standard because the work is dangerous and it’s specialized.  That’s why apprentices have to go through years of in-class work, on the job supervised training, and testing.  Technology in trades is constantly improving and increasing. Trust me when I say, you want the people using it to know how to do so properly. They might hurt themselves, or they could create a situation that leads to injury, loss of property, or even loss of life. There have been 148 electrical fatalities in Ontario over the last 10 years and many more injuries and fires.
Of course, we think that the trades of important. They are how our world is built. And it seems we’ve come to a place where certain jobs are so necessary that we take them for granted. That includes trades jobs, yes, but also teachers, nurses, and police officers. Things we literally could not run without. Their careers are the last place you want to take a shortcut.

Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Victoria and a Member of Victoria Marine Search and Rescue. You are invited to subscribe to our employer newsletter or submit your resume.