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Your current cost of hiring each year is

Cost of hiring is the total amount that you spend on hiring each year based on the numbers you provided. This includes money spent on job postings, time spent looking through resumes, manager and HR salaries, etc.

Your current time spent on each hire is hours

Time spent per hire is how many hours of work your management and HR teams are spending every time your organization hires a new employee. This is time that could be saved by outsourcing your hiring needs.

Your current hire rate is %

Hire rate is the ratio between the number of new employees you hire and the number of applications you receive.
This means that over % of your candidates don’t get hired–and you’ve wasted that time reviewing their resumes, interviewing, and reference checking.

How much could Red Seal save you? Red Seal sends you candidates that have been sourced and screened to meet your hiring criteria. We conduct reference and background checks. All you need to do is select the candidate that is the best fit for your organization. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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We help you find talent… and help talent find you.