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Power Engineering, Boiler and Operating Stationary Engineering jobs in Canada and the US are highly sought after due to the high wages and quality of life they offer. Entry level Fourth and Third Class Power Engineers’ average salary ranges from $47,000 to $86,000 per year. Top first class engineers take years or even decades to get to their top positions and often make $150,000- $200,000 per year. The career path means that there is both room to grow and vacancies occurring at every level. With close to 30,000 Power Engineers employed in Canada and over 1000,000 in the US with the median age being over 45 years old, we expect to see over tens of thousands of job vacancies in coming years with not enough new power engineers leaving the Navy and Coast Guard, or graduating from colleges such as BCIT, NAIT and Parkland College. Power Engineering or Stationary Engineering is a great field to get into. We recruit 4th Class, 3rd Class, 2nd Class and Chief Engineers in various industries including power generation, mining, pulp and paper, lumber, and food manufacturing. If you are a certified Power Engineer, Auxiliary Equipment Operator, Stationary Engineer, or Steam Plant Operator; give us a call at 1-1-855-733-7325, send us your resume, or apply directly to the jobs advertised below.

Browse our list of current high quality job openings below:

+ Power Engineers - General Application (2878881)

Power Engineers - General Application (2878881)

We are always looking for qualified journeypersons! Salary Range: 35-50$ an hourSend us a resume letting us know if you are looking for temporary or permanent work, what community you would like to…

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