BC Adding Jobs at US Pace
In June 2017 British Columbia added 20,000 full-time jobs at a rate close to the United States with 222,000 jobs. Not bad for a little Province with no functional government, and being so far away from Trump and Trudeau. My belief is Government does not create jobs, they just need to get out of the way so the private sector can make them.
In Canada, most of the employment growth in June came from the private sector. Agriculture led the way with 12,000 jobs, which may include a booming Marijuana industry that is driving innovation in farming as well, then Professional Services with 27,000 jobs, and finally Health Care with 9,300.
Utilities, Construction and Manufacturing jobs were all up slightly with a combined 6,000 jobs. Many of those could be higher paying Engineering and Skilled Trades jobs. Even for entry level roles, we have seen minimum wages in the construction industry in hot markets like Vancouver and Toronto move in the 18-20$ an hour range.
In June we were hearing from lots of employers who were having difficulty hiring even before the summer school break hit. Hopefully, employment numbers will continue to pick up, but like most people, I will be leaving my cell phone at home, as we enjoy a great BC Summer with family and friends.
Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Victoria and a Member of Victoria Marine Search and Rescue.
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