Recruiting Blog

Every Manager should have their Top 10

What priorities should a manager have? Safety, Productivity, Profitability or the Top 10 list? I…

Succession Planning is more important than ever

Succession planning is always an important part of the Management and HR process. In 2020,…

Why Temporary and Contract Workers are needed now more than ever

With the stress everyone is facing and the illness that arises, we are seeing more…

(Mostly) free online video conferencing options

- Cara Kauhane, Recruiting Assistant Our team is no stranger to online video conferencing. We…

Staying safe at work during COVID-19

I’m sure the last thing you need is yet more updates on the current coronavirus…

Cannabis recruitment, what’s the hype?

It's very interesting watching the interest and excitement around the cannabis industry. After 15 years…

Hiring tradespeople using the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

If you are considering hiring Internationally Trained Workers please download our advertising checklist here. Please…

NDA and confidential search

When a company has a critical role where an employee is just not able to…

Reference checks for skilled tradespeople

Our last entry on reference checks delved into best practices when hiring for management roles.…

How to conduct a real reference check

Those of us who have read the books Top Grading or Who: The A Method…