Every Manager should have their Top 10

What priorities should a manager have? Safety, Productivity, Profitability or the Top 10 list?

I would argue that the Top 10 list is the most important priority that every manager should have. What in the world is this list? It’s the list of the top 10 people they would hire if they could or they lost one of their top employees. 

Some companies expect their recruiters or HR to find people when someone quits, fires, or retires. But who is the best employee for finding the right people? It is actually the user. The manager will work with and oversee the work of the new employee. Managers are also in the best place to find top talent and need to be rewarded and measured based on their ability to do so.

A simple Employee Referral Program is a key component of motivating managers to maintain a list but also is knowledge. The knowledge that the number one quality source of hires is employee referral has to be shared with them but also rewarded and measured.

Managers always have a ton to do, but maintaining the top 10 list is more important and easier than ever. We are more connected than ever through social media, text messaging, and email so with the right tools it takes literally seconds to connect with 10 of the best people a manager knows.

A quick, “how are you doing? I was thinking about you last week and wondered how these changes have affected you in your work and at home?”. Using free email tools like GMASS, Group SMS, and Google Sheets or CRM/Applicant Tracking Systems tracking and nurturing top talent is easier than ever.

What do you think is maintaining a top 10 list of people to hire important for Managers or are they too busy?

Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Vancouver Island. We have a wide variety of services to help you find the best employees. See how we can help on our Recruiting Solutions page.

Kael Campbell: