In-Person Interviews with Covid-19

Our essential service clients are still interviewing people in person now that appropriate health and safety measures have been implemented. From handwashing stations and N95 masks to even checking temperatures before each shift, there is a wide range of measures that are being taken to protect workers. One change to help protect hiring managers is a simple declaration for each interviewee to complete, in the form of a disclaimer or waiver. If you’re wondering what such a disclaimer might look like, you’re welcome to use this template as an example:

Visitor and Contractor – COVID-19 Health Self-Declaration

Actually taking the time to review and sign a document helps people really think about their recent exposure risks. Using digital signatures for a health declaration, along with any other authorization like background checks, takes only a few extra seconds in the hiring process but it shows candidates right off the bat that employers are taking the health risks of employees seriously.

What other steps are you taking to keep interviews happening?

Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Vancouver Island. We have a wide variety of services to help you find the best employees. See how we can help on our Recruiting Solutions page.

Kael Campbell: