Recruiting Blog

How To Choose an Applicant Tracking System

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is used to manage the entire hiring process from start…

Salary Surveys — Getting Compensation Right

Determining what to pay employees is one of a business's most important and difficult decisions.…

Interview Questions That Work

Selecting the right interview questions pays immediate dividends: your candidate will reveal himself or herself…

Interview Records Retention

When it comes to retaining interview and recruiting notes, how long is long enough? The…

Canada and U.S. Show Employment Growth

Manufacturing and health care led Canada's employment growth in May, adding 22,000 and 21,000 jobs…

Childcare and Women in the Workforce

Canada has one of the highest rates of employment for women with children in the…

Skilled Trades Apprentices Mandated in Large Government Funded Projects

The BC Government announced a new policy today requiring prime contractors for construction projects funded…

Can Employers Fire Someone For What They Do Outside of Work Like the Toronto Soccer Fans?

National news outlets, social media, and Hydro One acted swiftly yesterday to deal with the…

Are Alberta job opportunities shifting overseas?

Alberta is in the headlines again today with job losses being reported in the province…

Canada Has Been Winning Battles, But Will We Win The War With The US For Talent?

What a difference a year makes. In February 2014, oil was flirting with $100 a…