Kael Campbell

How useful is aptitude testing?

As we see peak employment in 2019, it’s interesting to watch the recruitment process of…

Which job board is best?

Should I post our jobs on this job board? This is a question we often…

Indeed and Glassdoor Employee Reviews

Employee reviews compiled by Indeed and Glassdoor can be a great asset or a great…

Job seekers, your Facebook profile is just as important as your resume

2019 is bringing huge changes to the way employers hire, and right now more employers…

Tax-free money for employees?

Can giving tax-free money to your employees solve recruiting challenges? Maybe in the case of…

Why employee group benefits?

*Red Seal Recruiting is pleased to welcome Vernon Fischer CFP, FEA,  President of Fischer Financial Services,…

Kitimat LNG – Why you should consider more than a camp job

Photo Credit: "Prince Rupert Harbour (British Columbia, Canada)" by Loco Designs is licensed under CC BY 2.0…

Journeyman vs Journeyperson

We recently had a question on our Facebook page on why a client was using…

Employers – What do you really want?

I'm always amazed that employers are often not able to clarify what they really want…

Is Indeed wrecking your recruitment marketing brand?

Indeed has built an amazing platform, quickly surpassing Monster.com and almost all other job boards in…