Kael Campbell

What Not to Include on Your Resume

As most of us know, the aim of a resume is to highlight your greatest…

Can Canada Double its Supply of Skilled Tradespeople?

Here at Red Seal Recruiting, we’re always overjoyed when we make a placement. And recently…

CEO’s Worry about Skills Shortage—and They Should

77% of CEO's worry that skills shortages will impair their growth and it is also…

Red Seal to Donate 100% of Job Posting Revenue to Red Cross

With the evacuation of Williams Lake, BC, where I worked and lived as a firefighter…

I’m a Local Celebrity!

Just kidding. But I did get a chance to speak on Victoria’s CFAX 1070 with…

The Hottest Job In Canada and the US

There are over 3000 advertisements in Canada and 67,416 in the United States looking for HVAC…

BC Adding Jobs at US Pace

In June 2017 British Columbia added 20,000 full-time jobs at a rate close to the United…

The Key to Attracting the Best Candidates: Address Their Needs

It doesn’t matter what employers want! It’s all about what the candidate needs…. A problem…

Natural Resources Sector adds 4,650 Jobs in first quarter of 2017

http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/170619/cg-a005-eng.htm Statistics Canada has released their Natural resource indicators report for the first quarter of…

35 Million People and You Can’t Hire 1 Person?

“East Block, Parliament Hill” by Brian Gratwicke is licensed under CC by 2.0 Canada has 35…