The Value of Giving a Car to an Employee: An Employer’s Perspective

In the competitive landscape of modern business, companies constantly seek innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. One such method that has gained traction is offering a company car to employees. While this perk might seem like a significant expense, the benefits it brings can far outweigh the costs. How much will companies really spend when they provide a company car to employees.


Here is a sample computation:

In the first quarter of 2024, the average monthly payment for a new car was $735, while leasing one cost $595 a month, and owning a used car was $523 a month, according to Experian. Regardless of your choice, you’ll likely pay over $500 a month.


However, the true cost of owning a car is higher. When you factor in loan interest, depreciation, fuel, insurance, maintenance, and fees, the annual cost of owning a new car driven 15,000 miles a year was $12,182, or $1,015 a month, in 2023, according to AAA.


So, in essence, the budget is around $1000 for a regular SUV and 15000 miles. $2000 for a premium and 30000 miles. 


Albeit the costs, here are the other reasons why providing a car to an employee is a worthwhile investment from an employer’s perspective.


  1. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty

Offering a company car can significantly boost employee satisfaction. It’s a tangible benefit that employees can appreciate daily, alleviating the stress and financial burden associated with personal vehicle expenses. When employees feel valued, their loyalty to the company increases, reducing turnover rates and the costs associated with recruiting and training new staff.


  1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

A company car ensures that employees can travel to meetings, client sites, and other business-related destinations without the hassle of relying on public transportation or their personal vehicles. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency, as employees spend less time commuting and more time focusing on their work. Additionally, having a reliable mode of transportation can enable employees to attend last-minute meetings or take on additional tasks that require travel, further boosting their productivity.


  1. Positive Brand Image and Marketing

Company cars can serve as mobile advertisements. By branding these vehicles with the company logo and contact information, employers can increase brand visibility and recognition. This form of marketing can reach a wide audience and create a positive impression of the company. It demonstrates that the company cares about its employees and is willing to invest in their well-being, which can attract potential clients and top-tier talent.


  1. Tax Benefits and Financial Incentives

In many regions, providing a company car can come with tax benefits. Employers may be able to claim deductions on the costs associated with the car, such as maintenance, insurance, and fuel. Additionally, some governments offer incentives for businesses that provide environmentally friendly vehicles to their employees, which can further reduce the overall cost and enhance the company’s reputation as a socially responsible entity.


  1. Improved Employee Health and Well-being

Access to a company car can reduce the physical and mental stress associated with long commutes and unreliable transportation. Employees who drive company cars may experience less fatigue and frustration, leading to improved overall health and well-being. Healthier employees are more likely to be productive, take fewer sick days, and have a positive attitude at work, all of which contribute to a more harmonious and efficient workplace.


  1. Strengthened Employer-Employee Relationship

Offering a company car can strengthen the bond between employer and employee. It’s a gesture that goes beyond standard benefits and demonstrates that the company values its employees’ contributions. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce, as employees feel a greater sense of appreciation and connection to their employer.


While providing a company car requires a financial investment, the returns in terms of employee satisfaction, productivity, brand visibility, tax benefits, and overall company morale can be substantial. In a business environment where attracting and retaining talent is crucial, offering a company car can be a strategic move that sets a company apart from its competitors. By recognizing and valuing employees through such perks, employers can create a loyal, motivated, and efficient workforce that drives the company towards greater success.


Kael Campbell: