online recruitment strategy

How your Company can Improve Employee Retention

Employee retention is a crucial issue for any business. Keeping employees engaged and motivated is…

When Should a Company Hire a Headhunter?

We talk to companies that have spent weeks and thousands of dollars posting job advertisements…

The Difference Between Retained and Contingency Recruitment

If you're a business owner, you understand that recruiting is one of the most important…

Why Your Company Should Hire an Outside Recruiter

At some point, every company will need to hire a new employee. Sometimes it happens…

Top Tips for New Recruiters

We have been recruiting for years here at Red Seal, and we have learned that…

Why Your Company Website Needs a Job Board

After 20 years of blood, sweat, and tears attracting employees..  well, to be honest, 20…

Which Careers do Americans Want?

Which careers do we close our eyes and dream about?  Well, it looks like when…

Top Negotiating Tips for Hiring Managers and Recruiters

When the job market is hot, negotiating power needs to be in the hands of…

Thoughts on Signing Bonuses in 2022

Why do companies throw money at people who haven't even started working yet?  As the…

A War For Talent Not Seen Since The Great War

World War I sparked a huge downturn in economies. Multiple countries had unspeakable losses, such…