
Thank You, Oil Sands

There has been a lot of press lately about the economic benefits of the oil…

Can We Learn From the Wage Gap?

Pay transparency has always been a dividing issue between employers and employees, but does it…

Why in the World Did I Get an HR Degree?

With icons of industry like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, and Muriel Siebert (the founder of…

The Best Leaders Have a Criminal Record

Imagine receiving a resume that says "Detail-oriented Manager with experience successfully managing a modern agricultural…

Canada and the US Employment goes up Bigly!

Preliminary employment numbers released November 3, 2017, show the best job numbers in Canada and…

How to be Considered for a Management Role

There are many good reasons to aim for a management role: you want more of…

What Not to Include on Your Resume

As most of us know, the aim of a resume is to highlight your greatest…

Can Canada Double its Supply of Skilled Tradespeople?

Here at Red Seal Recruiting, we’re always overjoyed when we make a placement. And recently…

CEO’s Worry about Skills Shortage—and They Should

77% of CEO's worry that skills shortages will impair their growth and it is also…

I’m a Local Celebrity!

Just kidding. But I did get a chance to speak on Victoria’s CFAX 1070 with…