Kael Campbell

How health & safety knowledge can strengthen your job search

*Red Seal Recruiting is pleased to welcome Holly Shaw to share her thoughts with us…

What is up with job titles?

I was recently asked at Toastmasters to ask if it is worthwhile having an important…

Cannabis recruitment, what’s the hype?

It's very interesting watching the interest and excitement around the cannabis industry. After 15 years…

Hiring tradespeople using the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

If you are considering hiring Internationally Trained Workers please download our advertising checklist here. Please…

Cost of living in 2019

By now I’m sure we’re all familiar with the term “cost of living”. Usually, it’s…

NDA and confidential search

When a company has a critical role where an employee is just not able to…

Reference checks for skilled tradespeople

Our last entry on reference checks delved into best practices when hiring for management roles.…

How to conduct a real reference check

Those of us who have read the books Top Grading or Who: The A Method…

How to manage client wait time

With a shortage of skilled available talent, companies are often unable to service all their…

Making Facebook Ads Work for You

In the last 12 months, Facebook has rolled out many new features that employers can…