Kael Campbell

Can Employers Fire Someone For What They Do Outside of Work Like the Toronto Soccer Fans?

National news outlets, social media, and Hydro One acted swiftly yesterday to deal with the…

Are Alberta job opportunities shifting overseas?

Alberta is in the headlines again today with job losses being reported in the province…

Canada Has Been Winning Battles, But Will We Win The War With The US For Talent?

What a difference a year makes. In February 2014, oil was flirting with $100 a…

Canada's Top Job Boards

Few employers ever bother to place ads in newspapers anymore. The workforce is now mostly…

What’s Your Communication Style? How To Communicate Better At Work

Have you ever noticed how different people at work react differently to your attempts at…

If you work in Alberta or British Columbia, you may have heard that the Canada…

Limiting Low Skilled Foreign Workers Is Good For Young Canadians

Early in 2014, a young man from Victoria, BC, pointed at his employer and said…

5 Career Growth Resolutions For 2015

The symbol of the New Year is powerful. It tells us it’s time to take…

Industrial Sectors – Still a Good Career?

Is employment in heavy industrial fields a good choice?  People employed in Alberta, Saskatchewan, BC…

How To Increase Your Application Submission Rate By 5-15%

As recruiters, we like to have a full candidate bank. This is how we identify…