3 Most Common Interview Questions and How to Prepare for them

Preparing for common interview questions is crucial for a successful job interview, but even though these are the most commonly asked questions, it is also a warning sign. These questions have as much chance of predicting who the company should hire as the question, “If you could be any animal, what animal would it be and why?” Hopefully, they are using these questions to help you get comfortable before they get into your skills and experience! 

Here’s how you can prepare for the three most common questions:

Why Are You Interested in This Position/Company?

  • Research the Company: The company’s values, culture, products, and recent news. Choose one thing that:
  • Align Your Skills and Values: Connect at least one of your skills, experiences, and values to what you found in your research and explain how your background makes you a good fit. If it also aligns with your career goals, emphasize that as well!

What Are Your Strengths?

  • Choose Relevant Strengths: Tailor your strengths to align with the job requirements. Refer to the job description and pick applicable strengths. Use the rule of threes to keep it concise; choose a maximum of three strengths for this response.
  • Provide Examples: Support each strength with a brief example from your past work experiences, volunteer roles, or family.
  • Be Genuine: Be honest about your strengths, but avoid clichés. “I’m too much of a perfectionist” is way overused!

Why Should We Hire You?

  • Highlight Key Skills and Achievements: Reiterate your most relevant skills and accomplishments that make you stand out.
  • Show Enthusiasm: Express your genuine passion and enthusiasm for the role and the company. Employers often want to see that you are genuinely excited about the opportunity.
  • Address Pain Points: If the company has pain points or challenges, discuss how your skills and experience make you the ideal candidate to address those issues.

Bonus Tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your responses to these questions with a friend or smartphone to enhance your articulation and confidence.
  • Be Concise: Keep your answers focused and concise. Avoid too many details and keep answers short.
  • Be Positive: Frame your answers in a positive light. Even if you’re addressing weaknesses, focus on how you’ve overcome challenges or are actively working on improvement.
  • Ask Questions: Prepare three questions about the company or the role. This shows your genuine interest and engagement.

Remember, the key is to tailor your responses to the specific position and company while showcasing your unique strengths and qualifications, especially when handling common interview questions.

Learn more related information on our Job Seekers page!

Kael Campbell: