What Will Safety Look Like in 2020? Part 1

Yesterday, I completed a First Aid refresher course and had to reflect on over 20 years of first aid and safety. As a young worker, I was accustomed to some of the world’s most dangerous jobs: commercial fishing off Haida Gwaii and Alaska; wildland firefighting all over Canada; and Diamond Drilling in Canada’s far north. Safety and first aid were always a part of my work but for 20 years, they were an afterthought. Now safety is a real priority, and the opportunities to improve worker and individual safety are amazing.

When you’re flying off of mountain tops in a Hues 500 Helicopter, landing 100-pound halibut, and falling a burning tree hundreds of feet tall, who wouldn’t feel invincible? The bruises, cuts and near misses always seem to fade with the tan of summer and a young memory. What changed for me since those days was doing simulated infant CPR last week. Having a child and knowing what you need to make it home each day changes one’s view of safety.

From being the lead First Aid Attendant on fires almost 20 years ago to having the leadership role in safety at our company, it has been a huge journey. Behavioural Based Safety wasn’t on peoples lips 20 years ago as co-workers played around on runways designed for B-42 Bombers with their motorbikes at 200km an hour. The thinking for us and many young workers was, this is a thrill or shortcut; I don’t need to worry about getting home safely.

My thinking really has changed in 20 years. I carry a first aid kit when riding my bike with my son and I ensure we have seat-belt cutter/window breakers for me and my wife in the car at all times. These are the basics of first aid but First Aid is now digital and smart.

What will safety look like in 2020? One thing we can look at is ADefibulators. They are now checklist/operator foolproof and available near most workplaces. For our company, leading in safety takes on a new meaning when you have people who need to see you home safe every night. This change of getting home safe for others, and the 20 years of advancement with behavioural based safety programs, COR Certificate of Recognition initiatives and automated safety and first aid have advanced and changed things for the better.

For an app to closest AED’s: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abletech.aedlocations&hl=en

Kael Campbell is President and Lead Recruiter of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions, a company providing recruitment services in mining, equipment and plant maintenance, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. When he is not recruiting, Kael spends as much time as possible with family in the great outdoors and on the water. He volunteers his time as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs Organization of Victoria and a Member of Victoria Marine Search and Rescue. You are invited to subscribe to our employer newsletter or submit your resume.

Kael Campbell: