
Why You Should Consider Veteran Candidates

Transitioning from military to civilian life comes with a heck of a lot of challenges,…

The Best Leaders Have a Criminal Record

Imagine receiving a resume that says "Detail-oriented Manager with experience successfully managing a modern agricultural…

Tips for Successfully Using Text Messaging to Recruit New Employees

*Red Seal Recruiting is pleased to welcome Ken Rihe, CEO of Trumpia, to share his…

I’m a Local Celebrity!

Just kidding. But I did get a chance to speak on Victoria’s CFAX 1070 with…

The Key to Attracting the Best Candidates: Address Their Needs

It doesn’t matter what employers want! It’s all about what the candidate needs…. A problem…

Employee Referral Program Roundtable CPHR

I had the opportunity last week to facilitate a roundtable on Employee Referral programs at…

The job hunt with 200,000 targets to hit in Canada

Just the other day, Statistics Canada released their quarterly job vacancy report. Although the numbers…

What to be aware of when recruiting newcomers to Canada

Our President and Head Recruiter, Kael Campbell was just recently featured in an article in Business…